XiaoBai's Zanarkand

tÖk tÖ mË whËñ ï ãM bÖreÐ, kïs§ mË whËñ ï ãM sAd, hÜg mË whêN ï cRy, cAre fÖr mË whêN ï'M sïCk, b£ês§ mË whêN ï dïË & lOvË mË whËñ ï ãM st ã£ïvË...

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

In the Beginning.............^_^?................

It is said…………....................in the beginning, there was nothing.
Everything was pitch black..................................................
The one in charge said that wouldn’t do..........

Then there was Light.
Light is good. It lets you see the world around you.

The next day, Sky appeared.
That same sky has rainbows……….and lightning too. Very interesting.

On the third day, there was Water.
Water brought plants and animals.
Then began the game of survival of the fittest.

On the sixth day, He created Man.
Most Imperfect…………

After that--------------- Woman.
He thought such a big world could accommodate one more.
It turned out…….....................................
this combination was uncontrollable indeed.

On the seventh day, He had planned to rest.
But he had to start all over again.
He’s not the only one to start all over……………....................................
The whole world has to do it with him

They say in the beginning, there was nothing.
So the boss created many things.
Actually, he created many problems and contradictions……..
Even he can’t solve them.

So in the end, he created one last thing…………....................................
It was Hope.

With Hope………….............................................
Everything can start all over again………….........................

*Pandora opened the box and released all the evils back into this world again……………………..One last thing flew out of the box………….......................was called...................Hope........................^_^

Mood: FaTiGuE.............>_<

Ahhh.....................slogging out skool work for so long liao...............seems like eternity.......where the workload is a bottomless pit......and now.....finally when I get to take a breather, the exams r up.

Next week is my practical exams for theatre studies, my favorite part of the module. ALthough dis time round i can't seem to get my work done, it's still very wonderful feel to producing your own play. I'm gonna b marked as a set designer, a tough job though....haha

Aiyah, stop here for now......gotta study my GEM module.......got the last n final quiz up on Friday..........

•dUn tReaT me LikE a fOoL..i mAyBe QuiEt buT I aiN't a iDioT...i mAy noT sMilE...buT i Ain'T uNfRieNdlY.................................^_^...............

Monday, March 08, 2004

Mood: FaTiGuE.............>_<

Well, I've been so busy with assignments and essays due that I cannot afford even afford time to come up here to make an entry. Actually, I'm partly to blame for my laziness and low efficiency, so thats y this piece of dream world have been left untouched.

The 1st thing of the whole week plus gotta be the ice-skating event, Icescapade. Joint event with NTU and NUS skating club, the event on the whole was a success, though not really an interesting or captivating one. In fact, I think many will give the next one a miss, for it's quite boring considering the time limit and lack of participants for the games. Bad timing is an important factor, the minimal time for the event also greatly reduce interest in the event, but the worse gotta be the lack of efforts put into this event by the NTU people. Well, they are having a term break and yet their responses for the event and the games pales in comparison to us where we are busy with all the tests and datelines for our mid-term. Perhaps, organising the next ice-event on our own would be a better idea.........

The second interesting stuff gotta be my theatre studies practical. Ballroom dancing, finally i get a taste of what it's like. Though we learnt only the simple and basic steps, it was quite fun dancing to the jazz music. If only i can get the lady of my dreams to dance with me........Awwww...........
Actually, last Saturaday I just caught another dancing show with Ailian n Hao Min, "Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Night". I must say that the dancing in it was not only superb, but more preferable for me, the samba and latina style of dancing, the free and hot stuff. The music is very good and wild, it just lets people have a feeling of freedom from all the burdens and pressure of the world. Maybe i can go learn some 'Nian Ba Da'..................hahaha

Another interesting experience gotta be my interview with Erny, my very 1st time interviewing some one. Well, frankly speaking, I really think I sucks at that interview, though it was lucky of me to have met Erny, a very understanding and nice lady who made my 1st interview an interesting and memorable one. Perhaps i can do more of that, an interesting way to get to know more about people around you and their way of thoughts.

Busy weeks, endless work, neverending suffering......................when do they end??..............Into the grave I must go, but not with these...........o(>_<)o............

*How do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your soul in the process? What is most important then your soul?...........................^_^