XiaoBai's Zanarkand

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Sunday, October 03, 2004

Bicentennial Man

It has been a long time when my tears flow as freely as now, as I entered dis blog about the show I just caught on TV, Bicentennial Man. Starring Robin Williams as the lead robot-turned-man Andrew Martin, it spans his existence of 200 years in the Martin family, henceforth the title of the movie.

What really moved me was the lead robot pursuing so far and all the way for recognition as a man. He gave up immortality for the sake of becoming a true and real 'man', one who would laugh and cry, would get older and die by the side of his loved one. Dams just burst and tears flow with much anguish. A really touching and emotional show, something which often tugs at my heart.

Perhaps in one way or another, we are like robots, ever working and bashing our way through without finding out what are we really pursuing for. If only we can be like Andrew, we would learn that mistakes and hardship are just part and parcel of a human's life. Sometimes, to do what our heart feels means to make mistakes, dats what he's told in the show.

Although Andrew died before he saw the committee proclaiming him a real man, it was clearly and brilliantly enclosed in his lover's words that 'he just dun need to see it'. Andrew clearly knew what he's going for and he devote himself to it. It dun matter if it's right or wrong, worthy of sacrifice or unworthy, the devotion he put into the pursuit itself is the biggest experience and reward he have gotten. Well, I must admit the fact that his lover ask for the life support to be unplugged proves a tear-jearker, how many of us ever reach such a stage of love in our lives?
Can I ever reach such a stage with the one I loved? Tragedy - Maybe. But the experience is worthy reward itself..........................>_<


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