XiaoBai's Zanarkand

tÖk tÖ mË whËñ ï ãM bÖreÐ, kïs§ mË whËñ ï ãM sAd, hÜg mË whêN ï cRy, cAre fÖr mË whêN ï'M sïCk, b£ês§ mË whêN ï dïË & lOvË mË whËñ ï ãM st ã£ïvË...

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Mood: Melancholy............."__*.............

Yesterday was a fruitful day at the theatre studies practical, learnt abt "Perpetual Imperceptible Motion". Apparently, it was sum form of Matrix-styled bullet time motion, involving such slow movements dat u nvr tot ur body could possibly accomplish. Basically, we did a simple motiono of lifting up my hand 2 point in front, n surprise surprise, i actually took 13 minutes!!! It would have been even longer had i not lose my concentration halfway. Truly amazed by my body's capabilities, I'm depp rooted in the tutor's words dat our bodies r like uncovered treasures which we nvr seek or managed 2 find out wat it can do.

The trick 2 sustain bullet time motion basically involves the focusing of ur tots 2 a memory which holds powerful n significant feelings. By focusing on the memory, u will b over rushed by the emotion, leaving the pain n ache of the body motion 2 the very back of ur mind n ur body will automatically move by itself, wonderful experience.................

Juz pia all the way 2 Changi Airport so dat i can c Dominic b4 he embark on his flight 2 Brisbane. It was the 1st time i saw him ever since i ORD half a yr ago. Haiz, how good it was 2 c a familiar old face, especially of sum 1 who's quite close (actually shd b vv close) 2 mi during our 2 n 1/2 yrs of SAF life. In fact, Ah Dom was my section leader, n he's the guy who always treat us well n join in our tok cok sessions. He even forged a wonderful partnership wif mi during our Ops Bacinet, where we always go 4 rides in the rover n slept our way thru...........hahahah

Well, a lot of frens goin overseas........1st Dom, soon gonna b Leslie's turn................ahhaha............hope can still keep in touch by then.............

•(Ye5teRdaY Is A hisToRy..... ToMoRrOw Is A My5teRy...... ToDaY Is A MeMoRy...~!!!!~)


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