Well, it would be very depressing for my frens who wasted time here at dis blog if I keep feeding in entries on the atrocities n weakness of mankind. Hence, a different topic in view. As u can c, the title of the movie i just just watched, by the super duper chio bu, sexy n charming Jennifer Lopez. Boy now den i noe how chio she is.
Same old plot of guy meets ger, they fall in love, had to marry other pple, cancel marriages den get together. Boring old drama, but touching scenes when the female lead made it known how much the male lead is staking a hold in her heart.(Even the way he eats MnM's is reflected in her ways!!)
Well, people always like happy endings, fairytale endings becoz in real life u dun get dat often. According to the flow of the movie, most people would just marry the wrong person n miss out on their true love. Many will miss out on being with the one they love most, only to sadly regret on their death beds: If I had married her back den..............
Love holds no reason or logic. We cannot explain why we love who or watever, we just feel it. Fairytale endings seems like the fabled prize in dis game but many failed to get it, often for many different reasons. Some was forced by circumstances, some just gave up while some never face up to their true self. Many people still faces dis problem, they just dun realise who they really love until the very last minute, n many jolly well regret afterwards. So, we need to face up to the true self, like the leads do, n pursue ur love. Who cares if it will work out, the memory dat u pursued ur true love is enough, at least on ur death bed, u have one less thing to regret in life.
•o(^_^)o loVe hAs aLwAys beEn sO bEautIfuL & paInfuL.. If u hAvE aChiEved BoTh, tHaT's caLLeD tRuE loVe. o(^_^)o