XiaoBai's Zanarkand

tÖk tÖ mË whËñ ï ãM bÖreÐ, kïs§ mË whËñ ï ãM sAd, hÜg mË whêN ï cRy, cAre fÖr mË whêN ï'M sïCk, b£ês§ mË whêN ï dïË & lOvË mË whËñ ï ãM st ã£ïvË...

Wednesday, June 30, 2004


The reason why I have beeen missing out on entries to all those who care(okie i noe there r none).....is dat my comp is down wif so many viruses dat lotsa internet details have been vanquished. The major fault is the disabling of activeX controls.....which deprive me even of the chance to access my NUS email account!!!! Hence, before i can reformat my comp, entries will be far n few....haha!!

Actually lotsa stuff to tok about....but to give the most imminent: Today, while skating at East Coast, caught Jamie Yeo n Jeanette Aw in real-life filming at the Mac there. Peiyu said dat Jamie look very chio in person....hmm...wun argue dat but Jeanette Aw really has the makings of a chio bu........wah so xin fu.......^_^....If only Arts have more gers like her.....>_<.........Aniwae....just plain lucky....or mayb not so considering dat we got stuck in the rain while skating..........

Thursday, June 10, 2004

The 5 people You meet in Heaven

Mitch Albom is really a great author. Tuesdays with Morrie had been a great hit, I believed dis book can thrash the record. 'The 5 people you meet in Heaven' is a great wonderful book about lessons learnt in afterlife, through the lifestory of Eddie. He saved a little girl n died in the process, and in his afterlife he met 5 persons to help him understand the lessons in life. These 5 persons need not be someone you have known, can be complete strangers related to you in the most unimaginable way. It could oso have been the ones you loved most. In all, you will learn dat the choices made in life n the way things turn out to be is most profounding, with many sides of the same incident hidden from your knowledge. YOu might have done right, you might have done wrong. It's not a question of blame, but an issue of the lesson learnt, of how you are affected in ur life after the incident.

The 5 people Eddie meets are the blue man, his army captain, lady of the pier, his wife n a little girl. They each made him realise the whole truth of the incidents in his life, n yet help him understand how his life holds its own purpose despite his own looking down on it. A really damn touching good book i recommend to all!!!!

*Secret of Heaven: That each affects the other and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one......................^_^....................The 5 people you meet in heaven....

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

The Pawnshop No. 8

The chinese drama series i recently got mesmerized by is dis. A super nice show by Alex Toh. It tells of this pawnshop no. 8 which is actually the devil's place to lure people to succumb to their greed by providing them the way to let people pawn anything for anything. So the same old crappy plot of good vs evil again, with both sides having immortals who never die n have the power to do lotsa stuff, minus fighting in between.

Wat enchants me about dis series is the fascinating pawning parts n processes. Besides the reasons for pawning do interest me though some are so touching which make my tears roll down uncontrollably. One such example would be the male lead himself, Alex Toh, who pawned his love for eternal lifetimes in exchange for his wife's bliss for a lifetime. Eternal lifetimes for a SINGLE lifetime, how noble he is. There are oso cases such as pawning sensibility for wife n daughter's bliss etc. Some are really touching, though sometimes, people get more than they bargain for n it's no good thing.

This series really sets me thinking about the greed in each and everyone of us. All our lives, we pursue our dreams to satisfy our greed n yet, it take us time to go through all just to realise that wat we have given up is way beyond wat we have achieved. Some cases oso set me pondering over morality issues. Gonna tok about these cases as separte entries for readers to ponder.....................

7th June

7th June 2004 - My 22nd Birthday.....Gosh....dat makes me sounds kinda old yah......
Well, glad to have dinner wif my primary skool frens, so a big hug to Genghai, Ailian, Liyun, Ting Soon n Junxiong. they took the trouble to come n plan this meal for me, even though the meal at Kuali is not necessary a fantastic one. Kuali is the place currently at the old Congress area at Suntec. Food there nothing much, but the rojak very interesting as in let you make it on ur own. Fun time though.

Besides, I must oso apologise to the SJ guys for flying their kite.....hahaha......
Well, decisions are hard to make though. Got mesmerized into a chinese drama series, The Pawnshop No. 8..........super nice show!!!!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Lunar Birthday

Wow.......just found out dat today, happens to be my lunar birthday. Haha...I bet most of ur dun even care about such an occasion, well, at least I really dun care. But in a sense, my parents find dis an even bigger occasion den my very own birthday. This is because my lunar birthday just so happens to be in the second lunar April. For the ang moh pais out there, the lunar calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar, due to the fact that the lunar calendar have 12 months but with lesser days per month. As a result, there is an extra month for certain months per year. This month is called 'run yue'.

I'm not exactly sure how dis comes about, but all I noe is dat I was born in the second April dat year I cried into this world. As such, to be exact, according to the lunar calendar, I'm only 5yrs+, since dat second April came about every 4 years. Sounds kinda like leap years to me, well, as least theoratically I'm still young........hahaha

Birthdays are never an important occasion to me, at least I've never celebrated a birthday party(I mean my own). I dunno noe the reason why......but who cares....?!It's not as if my frens will only shower their care n concern on this particular day on me only, so I never really bother about 'celebrating'. Besides, it's nothing worth celebrating about, since i've be causing mischief to almost everyone around me. Someone once told me dat I'm gonna become the next Loki.....well....u betcha I gave him hell......hahahah..............

I'm not goin to grumble about birthday stuff.......since my birthday is still days away. Just wanna hint to all those out there to find out about ur lunar birthday, at least noe more about urself doesn't hurt rite........

*One good thing about birthday candles is dat the more u have, the longer u have lived........................^_^

Vesak Day

Hmm....a religious day, which i had to spend away gambling, somehow makes it an irony. But if it were to teach me a lesson, it's gotta be: Quit mahjong!!!

Somehow I just can't win at mahjong games. Vesak day proves it once more as I was completely thrashed by Tianming. Gosh, I bet he must have put a spell on those tiles, as he's so lucky dat Leo n I were left speechless. However, I know dat some faults do lie with me, as in the past, I just can't win at mahjong games; even if I do have a bit of proficiency in the game. Yes, I can quickly set up the tiles, but somehow the winning tile always proved elusive. I can wait for entire games just for dat winning tile(s), n voila, they seemed to disappear into thin air. Haiz, no matte how adept I'm at the game is to no avail if u can't win the game. I think it's about time I should swore to quit the game.....Cards seem more fun n 'profitable' for me.......

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

The Wedding Planner

Well, it would be very depressing for my frens who wasted time here at dis blog if I keep feeding in entries on the atrocities n weakness of mankind. Hence, a different topic in view. As u can c, the title of the movie i just just watched, by the super duper chio bu, sexy n charming Jennifer Lopez. Boy now den i noe how chio she is.

Same old plot of guy meets ger, they fall in love, had to marry other pple, cancel marriages den get together. Boring old drama, but touching scenes when the female lead made it known how much the male lead is staking a hold in her heart.(Even the way he eats MnM's is reflected in her ways!!)

Well, people always like happy endings, fairytale endings becoz in real life u dun get dat often. According to the flow of the movie, most people would just marry the wrong person n miss out on their true love. Many will miss out on being with the one they love most, only to sadly regret on their death beds: If I had married her back den..............

Love holds no reason or logic. We cannot explain why we love who or watever, we just feel it. Fairytale endings seems like the fabled prize in dis game but many failed to get it, often for many different reasons. Some was forced by circumstances, some just gave up while some never face up to their true self. Many people still faces dis problem, they just dun realise who they really love until the very last minute, n many jolly well regret afterwards. So, we need to face up to the true self, like the leads do, n pursue ur love. Who cares if it will work out, the memory dat u pursued ur true love is enough, at least on ur death bed, u have one less thing to regret in life.

•o(^_^)o loVe hAs aLwAys beEn sO bEautIfuL & paInfuL.. If u hAvE aChiEved BoTh, tHaT's caLLeD tRuE loVe. o(^_^)o

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

The Day After Tomorrow

How interesting. I just watched the TV show on humans facing wrath of Mother Nature in the form of Mount Everest, and now they face her in a greater scale of fury. The movie basically entails the male lead dioscovering dat the global warming leads to the disruption of the ocean current movement, resulting in the lack of heat being transferred to the Northern Hemisphere. Blizzard storm ensues dat encaps the whole north side, with crazy temperatures freezing those caught in the eye of the storm.

The movie tried to inject warmth thru the side story of the male lead doing his utmost to save his son trapped in Manhattan. Well, I dun really think dat works, but the message spread in the movie is loud n clear: Global warming continues n this is wat we gonna face. We humans can blame no one else; we brought it on ourselves. Had we taken the initiative to stop wat we r doing n think about wat we should do, life would never be the same again. We exploit Earth's resources without replenishing them; waste the resources on the useless stuff we deem essential. In view of this, we never seek to strive for a balance between the costs and the supply. Perhaps, Hugo Weaving was right in the Matrix when he claimed dat humans cannot be classified as mammals because they dun seek for balance. Instead, we behave like viruses, exploit wat we can n leave the body to die.

Is there hope for mankind? Well, it's hard to say. Many who are conscious of the situation will seek to educate the young to preserve the planet. But we cannot overlook the stubborn losers who refuse to live a 'simpler' life for the planet's sake. Dats y the natural catastrophes r here, to teach them the rough lesson they will never forget. Perhaps, as in the movie, we need such a devasting event to launch half the world into Ice Age to wake up all the 'sleepyheads' out there. Like the ending says: "I've never seen the sky so clear blue".............

*Dun wait for one to blow up before you change your attitude to him. Sometimes, you cannot afford the price of such a catalyst of change..............^_^