XiaoBai's Zanarkand

tÖk tÖ mË whËñ ï ãM bÖreÐ, kïs§ mË whËñ ï ãM sAd, hÜg mË whêN ï cRy, cAre fÖr mË whêN ï'M sïCk, b£ês§ mË whêN ï dïË & lOvË mË whËñ ï ãM st ã£ïvË...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Reaching the end

Yesh, i'm almost reaching the end. I used almost becoz still onthe race itself. Wat race??

1 - the semester race. The race to finish the semester, hopefully on a high note. Exams are finally nearing, it's time to start mugging to avoid wat happened last sem.

2 - the homework race. The race to finish all assignments on time, nearly failed wif context to my food project. Supposed to due today, lucky extended to friday, if not I would have lost the whole race. After dis food project, still got 1 more pop culture essay to round the race. Plz end faster.

3 - the marketing race. For the whole semester, had been busy esp the recent weeks to complete the marketing plan. Left wif the presentation next week, hope to achieve success, i really need the marks for the plan.

4 - the fuel race. Like a Daytona racing car, I've been in gear 4 all the semester, speeding at such a rate dat I tink my 'car' is either gonna crash or break down soon. Not only my 'car' is worn out, even I'm running out of fuel to last til the end of the semester race. Haiz who say life is easy..????

Perhaps, all our life we have been put thru the same races again and again. We slog and slog til our bones break, and yet our troubles and work never seem to end. Y is dat so? Does life really hold no happiness and rest for us? Or is it the greed in us dat drives us to our grave?

In times of suffering like dis, we tend to give up hope and sink into the whirlpool of depression. Wat we need is a life-saviour. In the form of lovers. In the form of frens. In the form of all your loved ones. Will they be there? I dun noe. I seriously dun. If they do be there for you, den I can only say 2 words to you: LUCKY YOU!!! For those who never got them, well, AT LEAST YOU TRIED!!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Datelines, Deadlines

Damn how i hate datelines, 1 week of time, minus the time in skool, all u have to finish 2 projects from scratch. Oh man, how bad it is to be in such a situation. In such bad times, when the going is against you, people say dat's when true strength show. Well, I guess i'm a weakling den!!! Now, I tink i can qualify to act in the recent advertisements for depression........HAIZZzz.....

Went for Chingyen bdae, glad to c all the SJ guys, whom i nvr seen for long time. Not really fun, but good to have our farni n great heart tok again. Lihui joked dat she kena ostracized by the ntu pple, hahah, well it do really seems so dat the ntu pple have lots to say, while those of us in nus are far n few, hence our pitiful state. Such a clique division is bad, but sad to say we can't help it either.

Saw little Bennett finally, so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At 7 mths old, he quite big-sized(look like 1 yr old) n have such great, big n beautiful eyes. Coupled wif his adorable rosy cheeks, he really look damn cute pouting. It seems i'm getting old liao, paternal instincts starting to show...........arghh..................>_<

Friday, October 08, 2004


I nvr imagined dat one day i'm in dis state: I'm officially a geek now. Every day n day, I go skool, mug den go home mug again. Wats worst is dat when i say mug, i dun mean studying for exams or wat ever there is. I mean mug as in trying my damn hardest to catch up n finish on my projects n term papers. I'm very inefficient when it comes to starting work on my papers. I just cannot find the mood to start doing. Boy, I really sux at dis!!!

Oops.........gotta go for tutorial now...........will enter again neh...........^_^

Monday, October 04, 2004

Monday Blues

Garfield had it, so do I. Monday blues sets in to make it an unbearable day, even though nothing really bad has happened. Let's hope nothing really crops up to make my rock-bottom feelings even worse. Same marketing tutorial to listen to the crap by the tutor, which somehow I really like listening to. Perhaps, I'm crappy bah. Den the usual pop culture lecture, lets hope its more interesting today.

Just had a recap of the month's workload, it seems that all datelines crap at the same time. I got 3 deadlines in the same week 2 weeks from now, well, I'm gonna be definitely 'dead' by then. Endless work, ever-present fatigue and the incorrigible sianz feeling is a deadly bug dat sticks to me parasitically. Haiz, the lack of stamina does prove fatal in such circumstances.

Just felt dat dis sem have Zichao to accompany me, henceforth still not lonely though. However, when the next sem comes where he's off for SEP, I'm gonna face a big problem liao.........ARGHhhh..............blame it on my lack of social skills to acquire more 'true' frens instead of the hi-bye frens I mostly made in skool.

*Acquaintences are everywhere to be found but nowhere to fall upon. Friends are nowhere to be found, n yet fall upon everywhere.....................................^_^

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Bicentennial Man

It has been a long time when my tears flow as freely as now, as I entered dis blog about the show I just caught on TV, Bicentennial Man. Starring Robin Williams as the lead robot-turned-man Andrew Martin, it spans his existence of 200 years in the Martin family, henceforth the title of the movie.

What really moved me was the lead robot pursuing so far and all the way for recognition as a man. He gave up immortality for the sake of becoming a true and real 'man', one who would laugh and cry, would get older and die by the side of his loved one. Dams just burst and tears flow with much anguish. A really touching and emotional show, something which often tugs at my heart.

Perhaps in one way or another, we are like robots, ever working and bashing our way through without finding out what are we really pursuing for. If only we can be like Andrew, we would learn that mistakes and hardship are just part and parcel of a human's life. Sometimes, to do what our heart feels means to make mistakes, dats what he's told in the show.

Although Andrew died before he saw the committee proclaiming him a real man, it was clearly and brilliantly enclosed in his lover's words that 'he just dun need to see it'. Andrew clearly knew what he's going for and he devote himself to it. It dun matter if it's right or wrong, worthy of sacrifice or unworthy, the devotion he put into the pursuit itself is the biggest experience and reward he have gotten. Well, I must admit the fact that his lover ask for the life support to be unplugged proves a tear-jearker, how many of us ever reach such a stage of love in our lives?
Can I ever reach such a stage with the one I loved? Tragedy - Maybe. But the experience is worthy reward itself..........................>_<

Blog Update

The 1st reason for not updating dis blog is due to the fact dat my poor comp once again is down wif virus n spyware, which certainly made my net-surfing experience damn unpleasant. Nowadays, I had to cut down on using IE coz of the numerous pop-ups it will bring.

However the main reason is the deadly sin of laziness. Just pure laziness, even though I had so much to say. I shd get rid of dis bad habit if i intend to maintain my blog wif all my feelings to serve as a remembrance.

Was quite intrigued by Thailand after a chinese documentary showed the buddhist temple where tigers are kept as pets. Moreover, when the abbot were to open a ritual to chant the scriptures, all the wild animals would gather around outside the temple. Amazing site which hope can see for myself.