XiaoBai's Zanarkand

tÖk tÖ mË whËñ ï ãM bÖreÐ, kïs§ mË whËñ ï ãM sAd, hÜg mË whêN ï cRy, cAre fÖr mË whêN ï'M sïCk, b£ês§ mË whêN ï dïË & lOvË mË whËñ ï ãM st ã£ïvË...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

TS2235 Marketing Plan

It's official!!! I officially declare my displeasure at one of my marketing group mate, someone to be known as H. Who the hell does she thinks she is? She recently sent a mail stating the need for more meetings to discuss about our plan, which is seriously behind schedule. She claims we are all jaded about dis marketing plan. So wad's wrong??

1) Who the hell ever said he/she was jaded over the marketing plan? The first and ONLY person to say dis marketing group/plan is very boring is HER!!! She's the one wif problems and she's blaming on us??

2) Meetings to discuss? For goodness sake, we have been discussing on paper for too long, it's time to start working instead of pure tok nia. Even during meetings, she's the one taking notes, not bothering (or perhaps pure stupid enuf) to make useful or even any suggestions at all. All the suggestions and ideas were thought of by us. Juz wad use is she??

To someone who merely kao peh kao bu wifout any constructive contributions to the group, my only true response to such a pain in the butt is: SCREW YOU! Juz get the plan over and done wif! Dun wan to even set my eyes on such a person who can only blame others wifout personal evaluation and effort!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Tears.......are flowing.........

After finishing our 'baby'.........

Not tears of happiness, although one cannot deny the satisfaction and delight of watching yourself giving birth to your very own 'baby' (shared by the group).

But rather, tears......wif a slight sour taste. Tears of grief. Tears of.....nostalgia. Tears for 'celebrating' the birth of our child.............

Is it because of the emptiness, a void in my life left by our 'baby'? Or is the emptiness due to a part of me being gone forever?

As an experiential; I'm someone rather obsessed with enjoying and feeling every moment of the process; den pre-occupied wif the results. Hence, the end of our slogging for the film project left quite a big void in my life now. No more process........juz the end.


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Alvin's Birthday

Dinner at Cafe Cartel = $99

Karaoke session at K-ster = $50

Car parking = $5

Catch birthday boy making a fool out of himself = Priceless

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Repost: 16th January 2004

The One Who Got Away

In your life, you'll make note of a lot of people. Ones with whom you shared something special, ones who will always mean something. There's the one you first kissed, the one you first loved, the one you lost your virginity to, the one you put on a pedestal, the one you're with...and the one that got away.

Who is the one that got away? I guess it's that person with who everything was great, everything was perfect, but the timing was just wrong. There was no fault in the person, there was no flaw in the chemistry, but the cards just didn't fall the right way, I suppose.

I believe in the fact that ending up with someone, finding a longtime partner that is, does not lie merely in the other person. I can actually argue that an equal part, or maybe even the greater part, has to do with the matter of timing. It has to do with you being ready to settle down and commit to someone in a way that goes beyond the little niceties of giddy romance.

How often have you gone through it without even realizing it? When you're not ready to commit in that mature manner, it doesn't matter who you're with, it just doesn't work. Small problems become big; inconsequentials become dealbreakers simply because you're not ready and it shows. It's not that you and the person you're with are no good; it's just that it's not yet right, and little things become the flashpoint of that fact.

Then one day you're ready. You really are. And when this happens you'll be ready to settle down with someone. He or she may not be the most perfect, they might not be the brightest star of romance to ever have burned in your life, but it'll work because you're ready. It'll work because it's the right time and you'll make it work. And it'll make sense, it really will.

So that day comes when you're finally making sense of things, and you find yourself to be a different person. Things are different, your approach is different, you finally understand who you are and what you want, and you have become ready because the time has truly arrived. And mind you, there's no telling when this day will come. Hopefully you're single but you could be in a long-term relationship, you could be married with three kids, it doesn't matter. All you know is that you've changed, and for some reason, the one that got away, is the first person you think about.

You'll think about them because you'll wonder, "What if they were here today?" You'll wonder, "What if we were together now, with me as I am and not as I was?" That's what the one that got away is. The biggest "What if?" you'll have in your life.

If you're married, you'll just have to accept the fact that the one that got away, got away. Believe me, no matter how fairy tale you think your marriage is, this can happen to the best of us. But hopefully you're mature enough to realize that you're already with the one you're with and this is just another test of your commitment, one which will just strengthen your marriage when you get past it. Sure, you'll think about him/her every so often but it's alright. It's never nice to live with a "might have been," but it happens.

Maybe the one that got away is the one who's already married. In which case it's the same thing. You just have to accept and know that your memories of that person will probably bring a nice little smile to your lips in the future when you're old and gray and reminiscing.

But if neither of that is the case, then it's different. What do you do if it's not yet too late? Simple...find him, find her. Because the very existence of a "one that got away" means that you'll always wonder, what if you got that one?

Ask him out to coffee, ask her out to a movie, it doesn't matter if you've dropped in from out of nowhere. You'd be surprised, you just might be "the one that got away" as well for the person who is your "the one that got away."

You might drop in from out of nowhere and it won't make a difference. If the timing is finally right, it'll all just fall into place somehow and you know, I'm thinking, it would be a great feeling, in the end, to be able to say to someone, "Hey you, you're the one that almost got away."

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Repost: 15th January 2004

"United with his fellow-men by the strongest of all ties, the tie of a common doom, the free man finds that a new vision is with him always, shedding over every daily task the light of love. The life of Man is a long march through the night, surrounded by invisible foes, tortured by weariness and pain, towards a goal that few can hope to reach, and where none may tarry long.

One by one, as they march, our comrades vanish from our sight, seized by the silent orders of omnipotent Death. Very brief is the time in which we can help them, in which their happiness or misery is decided. Be it ours to shed sunshine on their path, to lighten their sorrows by the balm of sympathy, to give them the pure joy of a never-tiring affection, to strengthen failing courage, to instil faith in hours of despair.

Let us not weigh in grudging scales their merits and demerits, but let us think only of their need, of the sorrows, the difficulties, perhaps the blindnesses, that make the misery of their lives; let us remember that they are fellow-sufferers in the same darkness, actors in the same tragedy with ourselves."

("The Free Man's Worship" [1903])


3 Saturdays of skating = Makan beancurd 3 times!!

Sibei damn sianz of beancurd liao................

Repost: 13th January 2004

Some people come into our lives and quickly go..
Some people become friends and stay awhile...
leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts...
and we are never quite the same because we have made a good friend!!

Looking Back

Yup.....juz how much of wad I've said have manifested on my very ownself???? How guilty I'm of these charges???

To constantly remind me of who I am, I dun care if I've repost previous entries. I will repost and post new entries of such important reads....so dat I can constantly reflect on mself........


To have EYEs........but not SEE...........

To have EARs........but not HEAR.........

To have MIND......but not THINK.........

To have HEART....but not FOLLOW..........

To have SOUL.......but not FEEL................


Refer to my previous post about altruism for the club???

Well, I discover a new trait of humans: Myopia!

The idiotic inability to see beyond now!!

The retarded inability to think for the future!!

And most importantly, the pain in the butt inability to look before they jump!!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Project Mates

Make or Break!!!

Not to mention that last semester dat T guy who gave me hell over the whole semester. A group project almost became an individual project. So amazing!!!

Dis sem, three project groups.

1) LSM group: Zichao is so close liao, no problem, since I understand him quite well. The other 2 gers? Well, 'can do work, cannot make friends' type. Never really interacted. More of acquaintence.

2) TS group: The marketing group. Except for B n A, the other two like very unfriendly, not really well-knitted. Somehow, juz couldn't click. Think it's bye bye after dis sem.

3) TS group: Film group. Great, except for E. Well, she's not exactly a bad person, just a pain in the butt at times. The others are really fun to work wif. Also responsible, at least enuf to suffice. However, so close now might not mean so in the future. Leave it to fate, hope can be friends.

Friends: an over-used word dat lost its true meaning...............>_<

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bath in the Dark

Interesting experience isn't it?? Go try it out!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Tibet Trip??

NUS Rovers have a May trip to Tibet......super duper gian....budden anyone to accompany me?? Alone go sounds........Erm.........................

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Song: The Swimming Song

Movie: Squid and the Whale
Artist: Loudon Wainwright

This summer I went swimming
This summer I might have drowned
But I held my breath and I kicked my feet
And I moved my arms around.
I moved my arms around.

This summer I swam in the ocean
Swam in the swimming pool
Salt in my wounds, chlorine in my eyes,
I'm a self-destructive fool,
Self-destructive fool.

This summer I did the backstroke,
And you know that thats not all.
I did the breast stroke and the butterfly,
And the old Australian crawl,
The old Australian crawl.

This summer I swam in a public place
and a reservoir to boot,
At the latter I was informal,
At the former I wore my suit,
I wore my swimming suit.

This summer I did swan dives
and Jack knives for you all.
And once when you weren't looking
I did a cannonball
I did a cannonball.

This summer I went swimming
This summer I might have drowned
But I held my breath and I kicked my feet
And I moved my arms around.
I moved my arms around.

Imminent Defeat

Haiz...to be brutally truthful, NUSSC is on the verge of collapsing!! A committee of 18 members; the real actives one n those who support weekly sessions are, at most, handful. Members; even worse, far and few. With such low attendance rates, the skating group is really limited and thus, less lively. Perhaps, they juz dun bother to bond.

If they dun even bother to bond, should I continue contributing to the club?? Wasted efforts are not really a fun thing to begin with. Not to mention that maintaining a one-way traffic is tremendously exhausting. Juz like in love and any other emotional relationships, bonding needs a two-way traffic. So juz my part alone wun help.

At the very least, my contributions for the club have 'succeeded', or so to say, in some plans I have introduced to the club. Revamp of the skating course, introduction and planning of games, helping out and planning for events, establish bonding sessions and parties. Not to mention the failed projects: area group, skate camp. You win some, you lose some!

I was juz wondering when lying in bed last night: NUSSC juz can't reach my past level of passion in AHSJAB??? Well, from my stand, perhaps yes. St. John's during secondary skool was juz too fun and great; I remembered we were all so passionate back den dat we can even die for the ECA. Sort of the Kamikaze pilots. Now, the passion for skating juz dun matches dat level.

With respect to others, I also dun sense or see the similar kind of passion in most members n committee except for a few. Altruism, a trait lost in most humans!! They juz care for themselves without regards to group benefits. The club exists solely to keep them entertained, if not, den they wun be willing to participate. They forgo their altruistic commitments to the club!!! As a comm member, wad u do should be the best for the club, not you!!! When others dun share the same altruistic purposes, my altruistic commitment for the club will start to wane. Everyone in my position do. Hence, AHSJAB was perfect back den because we all share this altruism. Not in NUSSC.

Wad can we do?? Well, wad can YOU do?? Dun ask me. My time here in NUSSC is up. I will never give up on skating. However, my time in the club is up. Time to pack up and leave, unable to lift my head up. Leave..........a loser........in defeat.........

I'm still glad to make some good friends through the club though....no matter how long we knew each other. Especially clicked with those who share the same passion and altruism to the club. Cheers..........!!!

I found an apt sentence in Loudon Wainwright's The Swimming Song.

I'm a self-destructive fool, Self-destructive fool!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Cutting Edge 2

Yup, a sequel to the original ice skating classic masterpiece! Frankly speaking, the original classic was so splendid and wonderful dat I had not much expectations dat this instalment reaches any where near. Boy, I was right!

Although I had to admit dat the figure scenes in the show is breathtaking at times, overall the actor/actress really din have similar impacts as the original did. Moira Kelly and D.B.Sweeney were fantastic and sizzled with their chemistry; the sequel juz couldn't match up here.

However, credits to the show for spurring my ice skating heart again.................^_^

Beauty n Simplicity

" Not all Beautiful things are simple; but most Simple things are beautiful!"

-- Courtesy of Dr. K.K. Seet

Sign Language

Yippieeeeeeeeeee....I passed my BS3 n finally a certificate for me to take home!!! Well, I'm proud to announce dat I'm certified knowing basic sign language....Hahaha.... Actually it was a close shave coz BS3 exam was sibei damn hard! Anyway, wad matters is I passed!!

However, I signed up for IS1 in a hurry, the lessons n exams clash wif skool exams.....Am I too quick to decide instead of thinking carefully???

Monday, March 13, 2006

Late Nite Filming for TS2238

Yup, again.....the filming which causes Cinderella to lose her beauty sleep; so dat the next day wun be able to wake up on time for skool.........So bad rite.........

Kent Ridge Park, sibei damn ulu place; where all the couples come here to hanky-panky. However, the bridge which we filmed was really quite eerie. Add to dat a couple of bats flying around and....u have the recipe for a horrific experience. I wun dare to walk on the bridge alone, although I must admit the wind there is sibei steady - strong n cooling; perfect for calming one down. If I have the time, spend it there in the wind; a sure good way to enjoy the wonders of nature!!!

End quite late, around midnight. Dat's it. Every time have to bother Stephanie's father to transport the filming equipment, not to mention dat he sent us home every time. Damn I hate dis feeling.....like indebted to him. Really paiseh he has to send us home......budden wad can I do in return??

Post production + editing = Disaster
Now, the most siong part. All the more I must work harder for it to make it a SUCCESS!
TS2238 Film Project ROX!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sunset Skate: Sentosa

Well, not dat i managed to see the sunset at Sentosa, juz dat it's my 1st attempt at Sentosa when the lights are out. How did the day went??

Bad Start!!! Got stuck at ECP bus stop due to sibei heavy rain, which pours in from any possible angle. I sought shelter at the bus stop to protect me n my K2 from being wet; in the end; both got drenched by the rain. I dare say dat had I been a holy elemental; I would have immediately switched to being an anti-holy elemental!!! No matter how I siam, the rain just keep aiming at me.......Damn sianz.........

So how? Clever me (or rather lazy me) so went on to Marine Parade to makan grass jelly. Alvin, Xinni n Karen den meet there for the food, waiting for the rain to subside n embark on our journey to the west on skates.

The first part of the route was to Kallang, where I sneaked a peek at the open garden where I filmed TS2238. Nothing much actually, while moving to Geylang for some beancurd n dough fritters!!Tsk....the 'you-know-who's are blocking the walkways so much it's damn hard to skate there.......>_<

Next on, Lavender n Bugis. Back to NLB again. Deja vu!

Chinatown was up next, before we went to Tiong Bahru n Redhill. Lost a bet wif Karen, eh ger I own u a meal.

Finally, around some stupid timing nearing midnight, we finally go to Sentosa; and into the place where we settled at the viewing gallery. A lot of tok there, just dun wish like repeating them on the blog............

Well, nothing really much to say though. Just worried for the future of NUSSC. Xinni would be our hope.....haha...get it going ger!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Friday 10th March 2006 : Watched Army Daze @ Drama Centre (National Library) wif Melissa...................A bad beginning prior to the show.........messed up timings......caught in a horrendous traffic jam dat nearly had my middle finger up to action.............

The show was really quite interesting and farni............Hossan Leong and Selena Tan are not only actor/actress in their own rights; but they share such superb chemistry dat they are simply fabulous to watch......A great mother-son pairing.........

Sebastien Tan also shines in his role as Teo Ah Beng; such apt timing were his lines.....neither over-the-top acting nor underperform, he brought much laughter to the audience. I would even rank him better than all other performers, especially Kumar wif his/her over-exaggerated antics. Although most of the audience kept laughing at him, I seriously dun comply wif them. It was too..........overdone for me......Well..........................>_<

New Birth

Time for the site to be reborn..........well....it takes time.....^_^