XiaoBai's Zanarkand

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Friday, April 07, 2006

TS2238 Film Project

We had a screening of 4 our the students' films by Edna Lim.

1) Cabin

A film shot in the MRT cabin. The narration was interesting; speaking from the point of being a MRT cabin. In addition the correct usage of audio tracks help greatly in the atmosphere of the show. I luv the part when the kao peh woman left the train alone followed by the train moving into blur images wif flashback of the passengers in the cabin. Coupled wif the music, it was pure classic.....if only it had ended then. The last part of the woman toking to herself alone was pure...anti-climax. If it ended where I liked, I would find dat it have a feel of "The Sixth Sense"; whereby throughout the film she's toking to her son who wasn't there in the 1st place. Cool.

Overall = Good scenes & audio; lousy ending............

2) After Twelve
2 short parts: Birthday n Good Night.

Birthday was fantastic. The kid 'acted' very well. More importantly, the film techniques were great, not to mention the philosophical issues involved was so touching n yet depressing.

Good Night fare significantly less, the techniques weren't exactly very wonderful. The issues also less touching, although both stories involved the key word, LONELINESS!! A topic dat strikes me at heart. Of coz I can relate to them. I've already lost count of the times. I was in a similar predicament as the young boy many years back den. Hence, the topic really hit me right on target.

Overall = 1st story is fabulous, 2nd is so-so. The ending showing the 2 kids at the bus stop juz had a great impact. Really good mise-en-scene there!!

3) Secret Identity

Yup, our film. Why muz Edna Lim showed it?? Use voodoo doll on her. N I should have killed all the people in the lecture hall.

4) Which Floor

The funniest of all 4 films shown. Really comical. It's basically similar to Stephen Chow; to portray depressing issues in a comical way. I like the philo behind; of the people in the lift. Rather 12 storeys hor?? However, the comedy was aptly used as the audience's attention was captured. Great work.

Overall = Funny style aids in attention grabbing. However, the issues to be conveyed falls rather short when compared to film 1 n 2.

No prizes for guessing my favourite : After Twelve: Birthday.
A film which portrays wad I can REALLY relate to, sumthing I've been through, sumthing I understand, sumthing I can feel. I almost have a re-taste of the past experiences of mine.

Isn't it sad when all 4 films shown are actually toking abt depressing issues?? It's juz like saying "Face up to reality, the world is so harsh n cold. There's no fairytale ending; there's only sadness and nostalgia."

Which is your favourite film out of the 4???


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