XiaoBai's Zanarkand

tÖk tÖ mË whËñ ï ãM bÖreÐ, kïs§ mË whËñ ï ãM sAd, hÜg mË whêN ï cRy, cAre fÖr mË whêN ï'M sïCk, b£ês§ mË whêN ï dïË & lOvË mË whËñ ï ãM st ã£ïvË...

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Mood: Shaken...................o(s_s)o.................

Haiz, today I finally caught the 'fabled' movie "Identity", which I mentioned some time ago. It was quite a good movie actually, though I dun quite like it for it's gore n violence. Well, u see, I'm not one who is for violence n horror. Having zero guts, I'm more of a comedy person lar. By the way, I oso managed to complete my collection of the movie series "Taxi", a damn good French car racing show.

Spent today lamenting abt the never-ending work dat existed in my timetables, no matter how hard i try to finish my assignments, somehow after u are done, u will always find out dat there r more datelines coming. Time schedule may b slack for an Arts student, but the work sure gonna crash down on u.

Today, I found out dat actually a lot of theatre studies studentsr like mi, bore a dislike for our very lecturer who speaks dramatically in a farni accent n tone. Wat makes mi dislike him is basically his arrogance in his field. Of coz, he had the experience n credentials to be proud of his interpretations of the works, but his refusal to accept our ideas is a bit too much. He should be open to our interpretations, for different people likes to interprete wat they see according to themselves. By enforcing his ideas on us n dismissing our interpretaions as absurd, he's a bit way too arrogant for my liking.

*"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein (1879-1955).................^_^..............


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