XiaoBai's Zanarkand

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Friday, June 23, 2006

Roswell 3 Episode 18: Graduation

"Hi, um, I'm Max Evans.
I thought I'd take this opportunity to, uh--
to say a few things on behalf of myself and the graduating class.
Some of us are--
are here tonight...
to walk across this stage and get our hard earned diplomas...
and throw our caps in the air.

But there's another group here tonight...
A group of people who are here for another reason all together.
They're here to say goodbye.
Goodbye to their high school lives.
Goodbye to their families and friends.

You see, this--
this group has been through a lot...
And tonight is the night...
they've decided to call it quits.

It's been a long, hard road for them.
They have a lot of... wounds.
They've lost people...
People that were close to them.
They've had each other to cling to,
but tonight that's all coming to an end.

I'm a member of that group of. . .
I always knew I was different.
And for a long, long time...
all I wanted was to be another face in the crowd.

But in the end, it wasn't possible.
I guess it never was.

So from now on I'll just...
concentrate on being who I really am.
Some of you might not like that.
Some of you might even find that frightening.

But that's not my problem anymore.
I have to be who I really am...
and let fate take care of the rest.

So thank you Roswell.
thank you for--
for letting me live among you
Thank you for giving me a family.
Thank you for giving me a home."

The touching n rather tear-jerking graduation speech by Max Evans. (Yup I cried, so wad?) I was deeply touched by the meanings behind the speech. So significant. So depressing. So....moving. To give dis speech, one muz really have been through a lot and in tune with his/her deepest emotions.

I'm also gonna say goodbye, to NUS, to schooling, to a phase of my life I'm in for the past 24 years. Now, it's time to move on. It's time....to grow....

As you can see, I highlighted in large the really apt phrases. Pay special attention the the largest. Dat really describes the life, not juz of Roswell, but perhaps oso myself......


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