XiaoBai's Zanarkand

tÖk tÖ mË whËñ ï ãM bÖreÐ, kïs§ mË whËñ ï ãM sAd, hÜg mË whêN ï cRy, cAre fÖr mË whêN ï'M sïCk, b£ês§ mË whêN ï dïË & lOvË mË whËñ ï ãM st ã£ïvË...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Roswell Episode 22: Destiny

The day dat u saved my life...
your life juz ended.

No, dat's the day my life began.
Liz, when I was in dat room...
and they did wad they did to me...
you're wad kept me alive.

The thought of you--
the way your eyes look into mine.
Your smile...
the touch of your skin...
your lips.
Knowing you has made me...

Great quote in Season 1 finale. Isn't it rather amazing how our lives dun actually began from the dat we are born, but the day when something really important to us finally realised? For Max Evans, people would see his saving of Liz Parker as the crucial point dat led to his exposed identity and everything after dat; budden only he himself understand the value of those happenings. He truely understand the worth to himself even if others dun recognize the same worth.

Juz like friends' criticism of my collection of Ayumi stuff. The worth is rather a personal one, one dat others dun understand.

Roswell Episode 10: The Balance

"how is it possible dat I could be--
I could be the happiest that I've ever been...
in my entire life...
you know, and now the saddest all at--
all at one time?

I think that's wad being in love is."

Absolutely TRUE!!! One in love can definitely relate to this mixed and conflicting emotional roller-coaster. Being both the happiest and saddest all at a single moment.

Roswell Episode 10: The Balance

"There are days when everything seems wrong...
When little things juz irk u for no good reason.
And den there are days like today, when the world juz sings to you...
from the minute you open your eyes in the morning...
till the minute you shut them again at night.
Days when you actually enjoy cleaning the milkshake machine."

Perfect description of Einstein's Theory of Relativity. There are perfect days where nothing can go wrong in contrast to the worst days where nothing goes right and life is a complete nightmare!!!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Roswell Episode 8: Blood Brother

"Have you ever had a moment...
when you're wif the one person in the world you wan to be wif...
and the wind is blowing through your hair...
and the song dat juz describes our entire soul happens to come on...
and den the person dat you wan to be wif...
happens to love the same song...
and suddenly u realize you're listening to it together?

And dat no matter how crazy your life has gotten...
there's dis one moment--
this perfect moment--
where you could juz say dat no matter wad happens...
Nothing can take dis moment away from me.

And den, something does."

I adore the description about the perfect moment. We all have been looking for this perfect moment. In fact I believe the words we should use to explain dis 'perfect moment' could be found in the Last Samurai dat goes ".....that all of us seek....but few of us ever find..."

Roswell Episode 6: 285 South

"What incensed him the most was the blatant jokes of the ones who
passed it off as a joke...
pretending to understand everything and in reality...
not knowing their own minds."

According to Michael, dis is page 655 of James Joyce's Ulysses. Well, I like the quote. Some people like to pretend to understand everything. In fact, they know nothing. Am I guilty of dis charge? Perhaps yes, if you believe Andy's evaluation of me. he said dat I often act know a lot budden actually know nothing.

Is it true? Well, to be truthful, the answer is NO. I dun like act know all. Becoz I learnt a valuable lesson: The more other people underestimate you, the safer you are. When I spoke out about wad I know to them, I merely express wad I've learnt or find out about. Although I never fully said out everything. Becoz I dun like to say out everything 100%. I like for people to use their own minds to find out themselves. If they cannot understand wad I'm saying, it means the fault lies wif them.

Hence in fact, I know about something becoz I know how to observe and think through it. I dun reveal everything I know/learnt. Budden it dun really matter if people see me as act-know-all. As long as I know myself, it's enuf for me. Perhaps the only person I expect to know dat abt me would be my soulmate.

Roswell Episode 5: Missing

"...thinking about things.
Abt how I used to pray for something to happen.
Something to juz break the routine, you know?
Of skool and work?
Something dat would make a small town feel bigger.
Dat would make a small-town girl feel bigger too.

And ever since I got my wish...
and Max Evans patched a bullet hole two inches below my ribs...
I realized one thing:
Dat the bigger your world gets...
the bigger your problems get too."

The last realization is the perfect gist. We all have been praying and hoping for something big to happen to us. Even me. Hoping for myself to be like the characters in the show, going through quests with soulmates n best friends. With a lot of memorable stories to tell. But, the problems faced are bigger also. I should learn to be content wif my current situation. But sumhow, I still pine for a life story of mine to be as memorable as the show.....

Roswell Episode 5: Missing

"It's funny how the world changes sometimes.
How the streets you walked your entire life suddenly seemed darker.
How the silence isn't so quiet anymore.
How the eyes you've barely noticed now look at nothing but you.
How the walk home every night is no longer routine, but a victory.

And den you begin to wonder...
Maybe it's not the world dat's changed.
Maybe it's juz you.
And den, suddenly...
You begin to wonder all over again."

How many times have we (or should I say me) encountered such situations whereby we see everything around us in a different light? Perhaps, it's really us dat have changed, not the world. The trap of thought; of wondering dis suddenly change in your very own perspective....

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Roswell Episode 4: Leaving Normal

"The tough thing about following your heart...
is wad people forget to mention--
dat sometimes your heart takes you to places you shouldn't be...
places dat are as scary as they are exciting...
& as dangerous as they are alluring.

And sometimes your heart takes you to places...
dat can never lead to a happy ending.
And dat's not even the difficult part.

The difficult part is when you follow your heart...
you leave normal...
you go into the unknown.
And once you do, you can never go back..."

This is my favourite phrase so far. Following our hearts is something only those true to themselves do. Even I, an advocator of following hearts, am gulity of not doing so. Because the repercussions faced. Because of the consequences. Because of fear of the unknown. Because of the fear of no going back......

Roswell Episode 4: Leaving Normal

"One thing I can tell u.
If it isn't complicated...
he probably isn't a soulmate."

Dis is wad Liz's grandma told her. Is it true? Even if it is, I still rather take my chances as messing up my life and complicating things den not meeting n finding my soulmate....

Roswell Episode 3: Monsters

"The future was always so clear to me....
a straight path towards my goal.
I juz never counted on there being any intersections...
I guess dat's wad makes life more interesting...
keeping yourself open, letting new people in....
changing your mind, not being afraid of the unexpected..."

My future wasn't exactly so clear to me; I always believed dat I wun have dis straight path leading me to the end. Budden life's interesting precisely of the unexpected. For better or for worse, the unexpected brings surprises dat makes life a roller-coaster ride n thus more memories for us to bring wif us.......

Roswell Episode 2: The Morning After

"That for everyone who has a secret....
there's someone else who needs to know wad dat secret is--
How sometimes secrets keep people from feeling like they belong...
And sometime secrets make u feel like u do belong...
And now, even I, Liz Parker, the smallest of small-town girls...
with the simplest of life...
even I have something to hide..."

Secrets really is a double edged sword, both keeping u from & within the group. In fact, all intimate groups I've encountered myself share secrets of their own. I particularly loved the last sentence:

"And now, even I, Liz Parker, the smallest of small-town girls...
with the simplest of life...
even I have something to hide..."

Isn't it sibei damn true dat even the simplest person have secrets of their own to hide?
I've mine own secrets to hide, don't you?

Roswell Episode 1: Pilot

"My name is Liz Parker....
and five days ago, I died.
After dat, things got really weird....
But then, the really amazing thing happen....
I came to life...."

Isn't it amazing how life is so paradoxical? We humans rush through our lives, every minute of them; in the end, we discovered we have not lived. However, when we finally die, we discover that's when we really start living. Is it a curse dat we muz realize n start living our lives only after we lost it??

Roswell Lines

I juz did a test my friend sent me, about which major I should have took. No guesses for my results: 100% Sociology & 92% Philosophy. Guess I'm made out for dis two choices of mine. I may have graduated (or soon) from NUS, but it merely meant the end of me as a student of Sociology. I'm still & always a student of Life.

The reason I brought dis up here is due to the fact dat in the TV series Roswell, the episodes spots Liz Parker doing narrating here n there. Well, a lot of them really struck a chord wif me in my pursuit for the meaning of my existence & miserable life. Hence, I will post them up here.

Hail Roswell................^_^

Lotsa catching up

I know I have a lot to record down, about catching up with my friends, both AHSJAB n 4E clique. Or the stupid B grade movie "Poseidon", dat wasted my 7 bucks. However, I'm not gonna tok about them. Coz I will blog in the next entry about my current addiction (or wadever u call it) to the tv series I juz bought: Roswell.

It's so amazing, I'm hooked badly n I cnt stop......so I have to stop blogging and return to the tv couch. Well, I hope I can recover enuf of my senses to blog about dis wonderful series....Roswell rox!!!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Mesmerized by Gao Yuan Yuan

Well, u get the idea why........(her inexplicable aura)............

Dinner & Mahjong

Dinner: Yide, Leo, Chiang, Poon, David
The one dat flew us kite: Tianming

85 market sure have good food, but a damn lousy environment. Too many people! Shucks! I'm hating my own kind. I seriously hate too many people squeezing in the same spot. Budden having good food and good chat wif friends compensates for it.

Culprits in crime: Leo, Chiang Tianming

Perhaps we have not touched mahjong for ages, perhaps we are juz purely old. After lunch, we basically shut down, as we were playing, our minds seem wandering elsewhere in limbo. Budden its really fun to retrieve the joys of mahjong. Yes, I won too!!!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sending off

Sending off a friend at the airport can be quite a harrowing experience, of coz, u shouldn't expect any thing less from Melissa.

Know how to get to your destination? Dunno!

Know what you should do when you get there? Dunno!

What you should bring? Dun bring!

What you shouldn't bring? Bring a lot!

Haiz.....Mel shouldn't say dat she's scared, well, we are the ones kena scared by her. How can someone going overseas know absolutely nuts about how to take care of yourself? Every thing is rather ill-prepared, she muz have been either sibei damn gutsy or sibei damn stupid. Hmm, I guess its the latter.

Even though, I hope she can really survive the 1 month in France, and remember to Fed Ex a birthday present to me!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Catching up wif Friends

1st catch up: Ray; Zichao; Melissa & Junyang
The inner circle of NUSSC. Had great fun wif our chit-chat. Especially when most of us transiting from studies to work. Muz definitely take a grad photo 2gether! Oh yah, n Mel, u really look sibei damn 'teacher' in dat dress.........

2nd catch up: Leo; Yide; Poon; William; David
Yah basketball again. Time to sweat it out & have a good laugh. Although no dinner afterwards, I'm sure we'll find time again to meet up. Old friendz rules......& special 'thanks' to Poon for telling me dat I'll never get attached & married becoz i refuse to play the dating game.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Railway Tracks

Special thanx to Stephanie's blog for leading me to such an interesting website dat touches on philosophy. A great mind boggling issue for us to spend our time to ponder upon. Hence, I decided to post this article I received very long ago from dunno who. It dun represent my perspective, but it represents a good thinking we should have done so. Be prepared for a long post n deep reflections.

Railway Tracks

A group of children were playing near two railway tracks, one still in use while the other disused. Only one child played on the disused track, the rest on the operational track.

The train came, and you were just beside the track interchanger.

You could have made the train change its course to the disused track and saved most of the kids. However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed.

Or would you rather let the train go its way?

Let's take a pause to think what kind of decision we could make.

Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child.

You might think the same way, I guess.

Exactly, I thought the same way initially because to save most of the children at the expense of only one child was a rational decision most people would make, morally and emotionally.

But, have you ever thought that the child choosing to play on the disused track had in fact made the right decision to play at a safe place? Nevertheless, he had to be sacrificed because of his ignorant friends who chose to play where the danger was.

This kind of dilemma happens around us everyday.

In the office, community, in politics and especially in a democratic society, the minority is often sacrificed for the interest of the majority, no matter how foolish or ignorant the majority are, and how far-sighted and knowledgeable the minority are.

The child who chose not to play with the rest on the operational track was sidelined. And in the case he was sacrificed, no one would shed a tear for him.

Someone said he would not try to change the course of the train because he believed that the kids playing on the operational track should have known very well that track was still in use, and that they should have run away if they heard the train's sirens.

If the train was diverted, that lone child would definitely die because he never thought the train could come over to that track!

Moreover, that track was not in use probably because it was not safe.

If the train was diverted to the track, we could put the lives of all passengers on board at stake!

He is not a politician.

However, in a democratic society, a politician should by all means garner the support of the majority.

To sacrifice one far-sighted visionary is only one vote lost, but to sacrifice the ignorant majority may cost the politician his majority support.

So my dear friend, what is your decision?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Post Exams

Post exams is hell......Yes....u din see wrongly! Here I am rotting at home; whenever I slump onto the chair, I'm waiting for cobwebs to form. Any longer n I will be in a cocoon!

When u lose the reason to justify all ur hard work(we used to work hard n endure for studies), u lose the meaning to go on. Perhaps, I need to get past dis transition phase.

Not all things are bad though.

Best: Had fun yesterday with Zhongwei, Jason, Junwen n Hui Boon. Simple dinner n tok among the guys. N a nite of fun in LAN gaming, sumthing which I've not touch for ages. Counterstrike n Warcraft is always fun when u are playing wif good friends. Unlike playing ALONE at home. It's the company dat makes things great.

Not best but good: Saw a chio bu yesterday on bus. Well, wad's worth remembering is not the fact she looks pretty (why u jealous isit?), but her dressing. Decked out in attractive black EGL (it means Elegant Gothic Lolita, goondu...), she really look sibei damn chio. The MOST IMPORTANT thing is not visual pleasure (budden who dun like pretty stuff?) but it stirs my heart n interest in cosplay again. It has been ages since my one n only cosplay in Gothic. Now, she makes it so good dat it's reminding me to embrace dis culture I once dabbled in.

Perhaps I should keep an open eye for cosplay activities out there in SG! Sibei damn steady lar.........